HVAC Preventive Maintenance AC servis Contract (all branch in indonesia)PT. GOTO All HVAC System maintenance service contractPT. Mondelez Internasional All HVAC System maintenance service contractPT. Indolakto Indofood CBP Cleaning Descalling Absorbtion ChillerPT. Alexindo All HVAC System maintenance service contractPT. Perfetty Van Mell Indonesia Replacement AHU Cooling coil, installation & maintenance VAVRS Paru Kabupaten Karawang All HVAC System maintenance service contractPT. Astra Visteon Indonesia All HVAC System maintenance service contractPT. Faasri Utama Sakti BOILER Modifikasi Program PLC untuk Water Totalizer Boiler PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti Hot Water Boiler Cleaning and DescalingPT. Sinar Sosro Maintenance Contract Service Fire-Tube BoilerPT. Bosung Indonesia Control system improvements for Miura BoilerPT. Ajinomoto Indonesia Maintenance contract Service Hot Water BoilerPT. Aneka Food Tata Rasa Industri Combustion chamber cleaning fire-tube boilerPT. Aman Food Industri Heat exchanger cleaning package boilerPT. Coca Cola Amatil Safety Relief Valve inspection and replacement for fire-tube boilerPT. Angel Products Automation Project MCC Demnineraization 0.4 KVPT. Beta Pramesti Asia Migrasi Moldicon Premium to M580 RedudancyPT. Komipo Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (KPJB) Lenze USB Diagnose Adapter E94AZCUS for USB CorrPT. Surya Renggo Containers Training Dasar WinCC SCADAPT. Jakarta Process Automation Development Automation System for Water Treatment Proccess (WTP)PDAM Tirta Kahuripam Kabupaten Bogor Set Up Laboratorium Automasi - PLCUniversitas Mercubuana Repair Control Drive ServoPT. Multimas Nabati Asahan (Wilmar Group) Installation motion control with camera detectorPT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy Mechanical Guarding Machine for All Wrapping MachinePT. Abbott Indonesia Installation of seismic bracing for sprinkler pipePT. Sasa Inti Diesel Fire Pump Installation, NFA UL Listed FM ApprovedPT. Golden Grand Mills Installation of sewage system pipesPT. Gunung Subur Install and repair plumbing systemsPT. Bahari Nusantara Energi Installation of sewage system pipesPT. Lemindo Developing Carton Erection MachinePT. Citra Langgeng Sentosa Install and repair plumbing systemsPT. Mane Indonesia Electrical & Lighting System Lora smart lamp installation for public street lightingPEMDA Padang Panjang, Sumbar Development of Cable Networks for data communications and telecommunications infrastructurePT. GoodFood Indonesia Construction of Main Distribution Panels (MDP) for all production areasPT. Bahari Nusantara Energi Panel modifications for fire extinguishing systemsPT. Bioplast Unggul Electrical network installation for production areasPT. Bilplast Grapindo Energy Efficiency Repairs and ImprovementsPT. Bonanza Megah Electrical Maintenance and RepairPT. Etos Indonusa Installation of security and monitoring systems on electrical installation networksPT. First Marine Seafoods Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Construction and installation for fire fightingPT. Sari Daya Plasindo Diesel hydrant pump installation PT. Bahari Nusantara Energi Construction and installation for fire fighting RS Paru Kabupaten Karawang Contract service for maintenance of fire fighting installationPT. Mane Indonesia Construction and installation for fire fightingPT. Ajinomoto Indonesia Contract service for maintenance of fire fighting installationPT. Elang Perdana Tyre industry Diesel hydrant pump installationPT. Astra Visteon Contract service for maintenance of fire fighting installationPT. Gunung Subur Indonesia Lift & Escalator Repair of Elevator Motor DamageBATIQA Hotel Cirebon Emergency Stop System checkVerse Hotel Cirebon Maintenance contract serviceThe Trans Luxury Hotel Maintenance contract serviceHotel Ghotic Bandung Maintenance contract serviceClove Garden Hotel Semarang Maintenance contract serviceLouis Kienne Pemuda Semarang Replacement of worn escalator wheels and chainsTunjungan Plaza Suarabaya Routine maintenance for all escalator componentsThe Sahira Generator Set Overhall Genset perkins 250kvaPT. Nandya Karya Perkasa Troubleshooting mechanical damage, Cummins SPPBE Tirtama Elpindo Troubleshooting mechanical damage, Dongpeng SPPBE Draft Gasitas Maintenance Contract Service, Cummins SPPBE Gasindo Ampat Sekawan Troubleshooting Damage Due to Excessive Use, MitsubishiPT. BelFoods Indonesia Troubleshooting Damage Due to electrical problems, Yanmar PT. Capsugel Troubleshooting Damage Due to overheating, KubotaPT. Campina Ice Cream Industry Troubleshooting Damage Due to overheating, CaterpillarPT. D&D Packaging Indonesia CCTV CCTV Installation on LRT PalembangPT Kereta Api Indonesia Divisi Regional III CCTV installation for securityPT. Bahari Nusantara Energi CCTV installation with High Resolution (High-Definition, HD) and Ultra HD (4K)PT. Finson Indomas CCTV installation with heat sensorPT. Ganesha Abadi Tama CCTV installation with motion sensorsPT. Galic Artabahari CCTV installation with Panoramic and Fish-Eye CamerasPT. Lemindo CCTV installation with High Image Sensor Technology (HDR)PT. Anta Tirta Kirana CCTV installation with Cloud StoragePT. Aneka Tuna Indonesia Exhaust Fan Regular cleaning of the Axial Exhaust FanPT. Panganmas Inti Persada Installation of Roof Exhaust Fans in factory buildingsPT. Saf Indonusa Installation of Explosion Proof Exhaust Fan in gas filling stationSPPBE PT. Gasindo Ampat Sekawan Installation of Exhaust Fans for Food Factory buildingsPT. Indo Van Houten Balance Checking and Reassembly for Centrifugal Exhaust FansPT. Manohara Asri Installation of Chemical Exhaust Fans in chemical storage warehousesPT. Galenium Centrifugal Exhaust Fan routine maintenance contractPT. Indoflora Cipta Mandiri Installation of Explosion Proof Exhaust Fans in gas filling stationSPPBE PT. Bahari Nusantara Energi Water Treatment Process Waste Water treatment plantPT. Fonterra Brands Indonesia Automation in water treatment proccessPDAM Tirta Kahuripan Bogor Automation in wastewater treatment plantsPT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya Construction of a waste water treatment systemPT. Makassar Tene Construction of a waste water treatment systemPT. Duta Sugar International Construction of a waste water treatment systemPT. Sugar Labinta Construction of a waste water treatment systemPT. Dharmapala Usaha Sukses Construction of a waste water treatment systemPT. Angles Product And many others…